24/7 medical treatment

Medgate App – Download for free

Our answers to your questions

Medgate App

What is the purpose of the Medgate App (intended use)?

The Medgate app gives you access to Medgate's telemedicine and digital health services. You can use these services for yourself or your children. The app offers a personalised benefit by providing a recommendation for the appropriate healthcare provider (Medgate or family doctor) and an indication of the urgency of the consultation. This is based on the symptoms entered and your profile data. The Medgate app also allows you to book an appointment for a teleconsultation easily and directly online, choosing between a telephone, video or chat consultation. You can also receive any necessary medical documents (e.g. doctor's certificate, treatment plan) directly and securely via the app, unless otherwise agreed with your insurance company.

What requirements are there for using the Medgate App?

The technical requirements are an up-to-date, functional end device that is adequately charged and a stable Internet connection. You can find information about operating system compatibility in the App Store. You will need to create a user account before you can use any of the app's services. No special knowledge is required to use the app. In Settings, select your preferred language. You have the possibility to choose between German, English, French and Italian. Describing your symptoms in detail, for instance, requires good language skills.

Does the Medgate App need the Internet?

For the installation and functionality of the Medgate App, the app must be continuously connected to the Internet. The response time and data transfer time depend on your subscription and the volume of data.

Can an App help to solve a medical problem?

Telemedicine is suitable for resolving many medical issues. In around half of all cases, patients are treated exclusively via telemedicine. Whether access to Medgate is through the phone or the app does not matter, as the medical service is the same. However, the app is intended to simplify access to Medgate.

Are there any restrictions on using the app?

Some of the app's functions require unrestricted interaction between you and your device. In the event of such restrictions, for example caused by poor environmental conditions like direct sunlight on the display, you should curtail the interaction by, for example, calling directly. Avoid functions that require the transmission of large quantities of data (for example, video consultations) if your Internet connection is poor. Use the app in a manner appropriate to your state of health. In emergencies, don't hesitate to call directly. Call immediately if your state of health worsens after booking an appointment.

Where can I turn on or off health recommendations?

On your device, go to the app to configure the option of receiving health recommendations. You can choose whether you'd like to receive this information when you set up your account. If you change your mind at a later point in time, you can turn this information on or off under «More» > «Settings» > «Allow health recommendations».

How should I proceed if I want to record my health data in the Medgate App?

In our Medgate App, you can record your health data and securely make it available to our Medgate doctors. They can view the data during a teleconsultation and treat you even better thanks to the additional health information. You can view and change your data at any time directly in the app.

Where can I find regulatory information about the product?

Legal information, such as terms and conditions, can be found under «More» > «Product Information».

Where can I find additional information and documents relating to this app?

On the Medgate website under the section «How it works» these FAQs can be found together with further information and documents e.g. the explanation of the symbols, in the regulatory imprint.

What happens if I use a different device?

You can use any device to access your data by logging in with your user name and password. Don't forget to change the phone number if it has been altered.

App profile

Why can't I create a profile?

Profile creation requires a Swiss insurance card (VEKA number needed for profile creation). If you have such a card, please contact customer service to determine the cause.

I am not insured with a Medgate partner. How can I use the service in this case?

With the Medgate App, teleconsultations with Medgate are available to all persons insured in Switzerland and are recognized by all Swiss health insurers. The consultation is billed as part of the statutory health insurance benefits in the same way as a visit to a doctor's practice, and is recognized by your health insurer.

I cannot find the card ID number for registration - where is it located?

The card ID number is located on the back (bottom left) of your insurance card. The details of supplementary insurance are on the front of the card.

Why does Medgate need the card's identity number?

The card identification number enables us to retrieve your insurance information so that you do not have to enter all the details manually.

I forgot my password / username. What should I do?

If you have forgotten your password, please select the «Forgotten your password?» function on the login screen. If you have forgotten your user name, please call Medgate's Customer Service Center at +41 61 377 88 28.

How can I change my password?

You can change your password under «More» > «Settings» > «Change password».

How can I change my personal details?

Personal data cannot be altered in the app, since we acquire the data from your insurer. Please report any changes of your name or address immediately to your health insurer.

My phone number / email address has changed. What should I do?

Please update the information under «More» > «Settings» > «Contact details». Please check that you have received our confirmation message at your new email address.

Can I view my past appointments?

You can view your past appointments under «More» > «My consultations».

How can I protect my account from unauthorized access?

Keep your access data in a secure place. Never share your access data and do not leave your cell phone unattended.

How can I make sure I'm using the app under the right profile?

You will be asked to select the profile of the patient to be treated before you book a teleconsultation (book an appointment) or use the Doctors' Chat. If multiple profiles are available, make sure you have selected the right one.

Why can't I add a profile my partner's profile?

This is not possible, because medical confidentiality would not be maintained. Only under-age children of a legal guardian may be added to a user account.

Can my partner arrange a medical consultation for our daughter?

For reasons of data protection and medical confidentiality, the profile of a minor can only be assigned to a user account. If you wish to assign your child's profile to your partner's user account, you must delete it from your user account and then add it to your partner's account.

Can people under the age of 18 create a user account?

You must be an adult in order to use the app. However, minors can be added as a profile to the user account of a parent or guardian.

How can I add my child to my account?

You can add a profile under «More» > «Profiles» in the top right screen.

How can I delete a child's profile?

Select the child profile and then tap on the 3 dots and select «Delete profile». Please note that this process will delete all data in this profile.

My child will soon reach the age of majority (18). What do I need to do?

Due to legal regulations and to protect medical data, access to a child's profile is blocked when he/she reaches majority. Your child will need to establish his/her own account if he/she wishes to continue to use the Medgate App. However, you can still use your own user account. If you have any further questions, please call Medgate's Customer Service Center at +41 61 377 88 28. Documents created before the age of majority cannot be viewed at a later date.


When and from where can I call Medgate?

Teleconsultations with a Medgate doctor are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – also from countries outside Switzerland.

What should I do in a medical emergency?

In a medical emergency, you can speak directly to our medical team. To do this, click on the home screen on the red button «Emergency SOS».

How do I make an appointment?

  1. Select the function «Book a teleconsultation» on the home screen.
  2. Select the desired profile.
  3. Our digital assistant then guides you via the app.
  4. Enter your symptoms and you will receive a recommendation whether treatment by a Medgate doctor (via phone, video or chat) or a referral to your family doctor is appropriate..
  5. If a teleconsultation is recommended, you can make an appointment right away. Select the language spoken by the doctor and a date that is convenient for you. The availability of an appointment may depend on the language that you choose. Please note that in some alternative insurance plans you will not receive a recommendation in the app. In these cases, please enter your symptoms and you will be forwarded directly to the appointment booking section.

What is the procedure for a teleconsultation?

A Medgate doctor will contact you by phone or video at the appointment arranged via the app. The doctor will spend time with you, discuss your symptoms and questions, and give you competent advice and treatment. If medically appropriate, our doctors can also issue a prescription for medication, a prescription for physiotherapy or a sick leave certificate. After the consultation, you will receive the treatment plan that was agreed between you and the doctor via the Medgate App (provided that your profile has been verified).

How should I describe my symptoms?

Type your symptoms as keywords. Please also specify the duration and intensity of your symptoms. Please note that Medgate does not check the medical urgency of your symptoms.

What messages will I receive from Medgate?

You will receive push notifications via the Medgate app in the following situations:

  1. When the doctor has taken care of your request: generally, you will be contacted within the next few minutes.
  2. If a scheduled teleconsultation is delayed: you will receive a new appointment five minutes before the end of the agreed time slot.
  3. If you have created a profile for a child who is about to reach legal majority.
  4. If a scheduled consultation needs to be cancelled.
  5. If additional documents are required for verification.
  6. Upon receipt and changes to the treatment plan. Allow the app to receive push notifications. Go to your device settings.

I missed the doctor's call. What should I do?

If our doctors cannot reach you, they will try to call again. If you still cannot be reached at the second attempt, the time slot will be made available for another patient. In that case, please call us directly with the telephone icon in the top right corner.

My call is delayed, what should I do?

We make every effort to prevent delays. However, if there is an unusually high number of urgent medical inquiries or staff absences, a scheduled call may be delayed despite good planning. If this happens, you will receive information on your app about the date and time of the new call. If your health has deteriorated in the meantime or it is impossible for you to wait for a later call, please contact us via the phone symbol in the top right corner.

What should I do if I cannot be present for an appointment?

If you are unable to be present for an appointment, please cancel it as soon as possible: Under the heading "More", select "My consultations". Select the appointment that you want to cancel. Select the function "Cancel", right at the bottom of the screen. Cancelling an appointment is free.

In which languages are Medgate consultations available?

Consultations can be arranged in German, French, Italian, and English. However, it may happen that an appointment is not available in every language at all times. This occurs when all available appointments in a specific language have already been allocated for a particular time slot.

Do specialists work at Medgate?

Specialists from various disciplines such as general medicine, internal medicine, gynaecology, paediatrics (children's and adolescent medicine), and dermatology work at Medgate.

How should I prepare for a video consultation?

Make sure that you are in a location with a good Internet connection or where you have access to a Wi-Fi network. The quality of the video images depends on the strength of the data transmission.

I missed a video call, what should I do?

The doctor will try to call you again soon. If you cannot be reached, the doctor will call you on the phone number stored in the app. You can find this number under «More» > «Settings» > «Contact details». If you cannot be reached a third time, the appointment will be released for other patients. If you were unavailable or notice the call later, please contact us via the Administrative Questions button on the app's home screen.

What happens if the picture quality is poor or the video consultation breaks off?

The doctor will try to contact you again soon via a video connection. If you cannot be reached, the doctor will call you on the phone number stored in the app. You can find this in «More» > «Settings» > «Contact details». If our doctor can no longer reach you, please contact Medgate via the Administrative questions button on the app's home page screen.

Is a video consultation secure?

A video consultation is like any consultation with a doctor €“ it is subject to medical confidentiality and data protection. The transferred data is encrypted.

Can I record a video consultation?

For legal reasons, you are not permitted to record a medical consultation.

Medgate relies on artificial intelligence (AI) in the App – how does this work with the App?

With the use of artificial intelligence, you will automatically be asked about your symptoms in the Medgate App. You’ll then receive a recommendation as to whether a teleconsultation with a Medgate doctor or a visit to your general practitioner makes sense. The decision-making aid for patients is primarily intended to reduce costs and duplication.

What does artificial intelligence (AI) do in the app and who is it suitable for?

With the use of artificial intelligence, the Medgate App asks you automated questions about your symptoms. You will then receive a recommendation for further treatment. This recommendation is suitable for all individuals aged 16 and over. For children and adolescents under 16 years, this function is deactivated.

Images, Videos & Documents

How do I take good photos?

Photos, documents, or recordings can help our doctors better understand your concern. Please consider the following points:

  • Take at least three photos of your symptoms.
    • From a distance
    • Up close
    • From the side (to show any elevations)
  • Place a coin or ruler in the field of view as a reference size.
  • Ensure the photo is not too dark or blurry.
  • If only one side of the body is affected, also take a photo of the unaffected side for comparison (e.g., hands, feet, knees, eyes).
  • The face and genital area should not be photographed if these parts are not affected by the current health complaint. If this is not possible for the area selected, please cover the genitalarea – especially if the patient is a child.
  • Get help from someone if necessary, or use a tripod and self-timer. If your smartphone uses the "Live Photos" function, turn it off.

How can I upload photos and documents?

Uploading Photos and Documents

Upload photos, videos, or documents for your upcoming teleconsultation to help our doctors provide you with the best possible care. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to upload photos, videos, and documents on the Medgate upload portal.

  1. Upload Request
    You will receive a link via email and SMS before your consultation, which will allow you to access the Medgate upload portal.
    Important: Uploading photos, videos, and documents is possible until the end of a teleconsultation.
  2. Enter Date of Birth
    Enter your date of birth on the upload portal.
  3. Upload Photos and Documents
    • Drag your files into the "Add files" field or click in the field to upload and select the desired files.
    • You can upload up to 10 files, each with a maximum size of 10 MB. Supported file formats are pdf, jpeg, jpg, png, wav, mov, mp3, mp4, webm.
    • Click the "Upload" button to upload the selected files and transmit them to the Medgate doctor.

How can I download documents?

Download Documents

The documents from your last teleconsultation with Medgate are now available for download. Here we explain step by step how to download documents from the Medgate Download Portal.

  1. Download Prompt
    After your teleconsultation, you will receive a link via email. Click on the link in the email. The Medgate Download Portal will open. At the same time, you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code.
  2. Enter the confirmation code
    Enter the confirmation code received via SMS on the portal to log in. The confirmation code is valid for seven days.
  3. Download documents
    Once you are logged in, you can download your documents.

    To download documents again, please use the link from your email and the corresponding SMS code again. Your documents are available for up to seven days after your teleconsultation.

What should I do if I receive an error message when uploading?

Error messages can occur for various reasons when uploading images, videos and documents:

  • Exceeding the maximum number of files: A maximum of 10 files can be uploaded. To upload another file, a file must first be removed.
  • Exceeding the maximum file size: the maximum file size is 10 MB per file.
  • File format is not supported: Supported file formats are pdf, jpeg, jpg, png, wav, mov, mp3 or mp4, HEIC

  • If you have any further problems uploading media, please contact our customer service by e-mail at feedback@medgate.ch or by telephone on 061 377 88 28.

    Treatment plan

    What is a treatment plan?

    The treatment plan is a summary of the procedure arranged with Medgate for optimal treatment of your medical concern. It contains medical recommendations as well as any further doctor's teleconsultations.

    Where can I find my treatment plan?

    You can find your treatment plan under the menu item «Treatments». If several treatment plans are available, they are displayed one below the other.

    How can I access my treatment plan and my medical data?

    To access your treatment plan, you must verify your profile for reasons of data protection and medical confidentiality.

    How can I prolong the treatment plan?

    If the treatment period agreed with Medgate is not sufficient, you have two weeks before the end of the treatment period to prolong it by one month.

    What should I do if I want to prolong or supplement my treatment plan, but cannot find the treating doctor in the Medgate App?

    If you cannot find a treating doctor in the Medgate App, please contact our Customer Service Center by phone at +41 61 377 88 28. We will find the treating doctor for you. Tip: search for the doctor by entering only the city, the street or the doctor's first name in the search field.

    Medical certificate

    Can the Medgate doctor issue a prescription or a medical certificate?

    If medically appropriate, the Medgate doctor can issue a prescription after a telephone consultation. Medical certificates to confirm incapacity for work are issued at the discretion of the doctor and are subject to strict guidelines. The guidelines for the issue of a medical certificate are:

    Medical certificate after a teleconsultation

    Excerpt from Medgate’s guidelines

    • The Medgate physician may only certify facts that he believes to be true based on careful and expert appraisal.
    • The medical certificate is only valid as proof of the certified incapacity for work after the employer has accepted it.
    • A certificate for 100 % incapacity for work can be issued. Partial incapacity for work cannot be assessed over the phone or video.
    • Medgate will issue a simple medical certificate. This is based on the certificate published by the Swiss Insurance Medicine syndicate.

    Can I get a certificate of incapacity for work for the past few days?

    As a rule, it is not possible to issue retroactive certificates; the certificate of incapacity for work is only possible from the date of the first contact with Medgate.

    Does the employer have to accept the certificate of incapacity for work?

    No, employers can refuse certificates issued via telemedicine (this is noted on the certificate of incapacity for work).

    Medication & prescriptions

    Can the Medgate doctor provide a prescription for a medication?

    If medically appropriate, our doctors can issue a prescription following a teleconsultation. The prescription is issued at the doctor's discretion and according to our guidelines. The e-prescription is available via our Medgate app under «Treatments» > «Documents». You can print the e-prescription, forward it by email or save it on your smartphone.

    Can I order a prescription via the Medgate App?

    You can order a new prescription or renew a prescription for yourself or another stored profile under «Request prescription» on the home screen.

    Can Medgate prescribe everything?

    No, strict guidelines apply. For example, we do not prescribe medications of group A+ or medications that require frequent or regular examinations (blood tests, physical examinations).

    Referral to a specialist

    Who will Medgate refer me to if I need further medical treatment?

    If a teleconsultation indicates that further medical treatment is required, our doctors refer you to a doctor of your choice. Alternatively, we would be happy to recommend a doctor in the Medgate Partner Network. Please note that a free choice of doctor may be limited in some alternative insurance plans.

    What should I do if Dr. XY refers me for an examination to YZ?

    You can report the referral either via the chat function in the Medgate app or by phone.

    Appointment notification

    How can I report an appointment?

    Appointment reports can be made either via the chat function in the Medgate app (section "Services", "Clarify administrative question") or by phone at the patient reception.

    Do I need to report a referral?

    If you are insured in a telemedicine model and have a reporting obligation for treatments, every referral must be reported.


    How much does a call to Medgate cost?

    The consultation is billed as part of the statutory health insurance benefits (analogous to a visit to a doctor's practice) and is recognized by all Swiss health insurers. A teleconsultation costs on average CHF 50.00. In certain insurance models with our partner health insurers there are not even any franchise or deductible costs. Depending on the mobile phone service provider, a video consultation may incur data transmission fees, which is why we recommend that you connect to a WiFi network. If you are abroad at the time of the teleconsultation, you may need to pay additional telephone or roaming costs. In this case we recommend that you book a video consultation and connect to a WiFi network.

    Who pays the costs of data transmission?

    The app user pays for data transfer. Please note that extra charges may apply if you use the app outside Switzerland. Check with your phone company for roaming charges.

    Will I be charged if I cancel my appointment?

    We do not charge for canceled appointments. However, we do ask you to cancel appointments that you cannot attend in good time, so that they are available for other patients.

    How can I request a copy of an invoice?

    Copies of invoices cannot currently be requested directly via the app. For the time being, please contact customer service directly, either by e-mail to servicecenter@medgate.ch or by telephone on 061 377 88 28. The option to obtain invoice copies via the app will be reintroduced at a later date.

    Data protection & security

    Is telemedicine safe?

    Yes. All our doctors have several years of clinical experience, are specially trained in telemedicine and licensed. They are supported in their work by evidence-based and established medical guidelines as well as state-of-the-art information and communications technology.

    Is the Medgate App safe, and are your data protected?

    During the development of the Medgate App, great care was taken to ensure that the app complies with the current data protection regulations. All data are encrypted and transmitted securely. The data in the app are also protected from third-party access by a password. Additionally, the user must identify themselves with an ID card and an insurance card to access the full functionality of the app.

    How can I make sure the app is secure and fully functional?

    To use the app securely and have access to all its functions, make sure you've activated automatic updates and that your operating system is in its original state.

    Is data protection guaranteed?

    Data protection and the safeguarding of medical confidentiality are of paramount importance to Medgate and are guaranteed at all times. Medgate is subject to the guidelines that apply to any medical practice.

    How are my data processed?

    Your contact with Medgate is fully documented for our quality control and your security. Of course, all our employees are subject to medical confidentiality and adhere strictly to the data protection regulations. For more information, visit: Data protection

    Is data transmission to Medgate secure?

    Yes, data transfer is protected. The dialog is transferred with an encryption protocol (SSL). The information is stored in a protected database, kept confidential and is subject to medical confidentiality.

    Why does Medgate need the card's identity number?

    The card identification number enables us to retrieve your insurance information so that you do not have to enter all the details manually.

    Why is verification necessary?

    What documents are accepted? Verification is necessary to be able to release medical data (e.g., treatment plan, incapacity certificate, prescriptions, time slot entries). Verification ensures that the data is not made available to an unauthorized person. Accepted documents are: identity card, passport, Swiss driving license, and foreign residence permits B and C. The documents must be valid.

    Why do I have to identify my child?

    Identification of your child is necessary in order to display the treatment plan on the Medgate App, because medical confidentiality requires that medical data may only be given to legal guardian(s). You can provide evidence of legal guardianship with a scanned copy of the family book/ family ID card.

    Why can't both parents register the child in the app?

    This is not possible as the medical confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Only minor children of an authorized person can be added to a user account.

    Where can I revoke consent in the app?

    Consents can be revoked in the app under «More» > «Settings» on the respective button.


    How does my insurance work, can I go to any doctor?

    Medgate cannot provide information on the details of each insurance. Please contact your insurer or check the terms of the contract.

    Where can I find the list of doctors in the partner network?

    The list of doctors in the Medgate partner network can be found at: Medgate Partner Network

    What if no doctor near me is on the list?

    Please contact your insurer or check the terms of the contract.

    If I have a telemedicine model, do I always have to call Medgate first?

    In telemedicine models, Medgate is always the first point of contact that needs to be contacted.

    What if I go directly to the doctor?

    Appointments are mandatory in a telemedicine model. When you report your appointment, the patient reception staff will note the appointment. The health insurance company will be able to see that the appointment was not recommended/suggested by Medgate.