24/7 medical treatment

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Our offer for companies

Comprehensive medical care for your employees

For healthy and satisfied employees

As a telemedicine and digital health pioneer with over 20 years of experience, we have considerable expertise and offers tailored to the needs of companies. With our services, you provide your employees with easy access to comprehensive medical care, which will help to reduce absences. We help you promote the health of your employees.

Book a doctor’s appointment online

We offer an online booking service that everyone covered by health insurance in Switzerland can use to book a doctor’s appointment for medical advice and treatment online – quickly, easily and around the clock.

Book a doctor’s appointment online

Booking platform on your website

You can also integrate Medgate’s online booking platform into your website, for example on your intranet, to provide your employees with straightforward access to a Medgate doctor. Your employees will quickly receive an appointment, thus saving themselves the trip to their primary care physician. The online booking platform is provided free of charge.

That's why Medgate is the ideal partner

  • Competent treatment by more than 140 experienced doctors, including in emergencies
  • Over 20 years of experience in telemedicine and digital health
  • Treatment and consultations around the clock in four languages (German, French, Italian, English)
  • Get prescriptions and referrals
  • The costs of the medical consultation are charged to the patient via their health insurance

Interested in our services?

We would be happy to work with you to develop bespoke services tailored to the needs of your employees. Your contact person is Sabine Helterlin, Market Manager.