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A depressive mood often occurs in the winter months, when the shorter days and cold, wet weather affect the mood. Those affected are depressed, listless, exhausted and sad for long periods. Physical symptoms can include headaches or gastrointestinal problems. The persistent low mood can in turn lead to those affected limiting their social contacts and becoming increasingly lonely as a result.

Older people are particularly susceptible to depression. Women are also more likely to suffer from the typical symptoms of depression than men. There are many causes of depression, including stress or stressful events such as separation or the death of a loved one.
Specialists differentiate between mild, moderate and severe depression. Depressive moods and therefore seasonal depression or winter depression are classed as mild to moderate depression. Even mild moods can be very stressful. It is therefore very important that those affected take the symptoms seriously, contact a specialist at an early stage and have any suspected depressive moods investigated.


The symptoms of depressive mood are varied. Women are more frequently affected by depressive mood. Experts suspect that hormonal fluctuations caused by menstruation and hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy or menopause have a strong influence on the psyche. Typical symptoms of a depressive illness are tiredness, depression, loss of interest, exhaustion, listlessness, social withdrawal, irritability, lack of appetite, dizziness, gastrointestinal complaints or sleep disorders. Men with a depressive mood may also experience an increased willingness to take risks, restlessness, nervousness, dissatisfaction and aggressive behaviour. Older people are increasingly affected by depressive moods. Life changes, illnesses and medication have a greater impact on mood in old age.


A depressive mood usually begins in autumn and can last until the following spring. When the days get longer and there is enough light, the symptoms can disappear of their own accord. A healthy diet and plenty of outdoor exercise support the healing process and make the duration of the illness more bearable for those affected. However, even mild mood swings can be very stressful for those affected. It is therefore very important that those affected take their symptoms seriously, contact a specialist at an early stage and have any suspected depressive moods investigated.


Depressive moods have different causes. Winter depression in particular can be triggered by a lack of light during the autumn and winter months. As a result, hormones and neurotransmitters (e.g. dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin and endorphins) in the brain get mixed up and can lead to mood swings, depressive moods or seasonal depression. Other causes include permanent stress, job loss, separation or the death of a loved one.


A doctor will diagnose a depressive mood disorder such as winter depression or seasonal affective disorder based on the patient's medical history. If the symptoms, which are categorised into main and additional symptoms, persist for more than two weeks, seasonal affective disorder may be present. For a reliable diagnosis, two main symptoms (loss of interest, lack of drive) and two additional symptoms (concentration problems, reduced self-esteem, pessimistic outlook) must be present in addition to the depressive mood.


Treatment for depressive mood varies depending on the severity of the illness. In mild cases, simple measures such as walks, outdoor sports or a diet rich in carbohydrates and tryptophan can help. Tryptophan is an amino acid found in fish, for example. If the symptoms are more severe and last longer, it is important to consult a doctor. Natural medicines such as St John's wort can be used here. The doctor will discuss the planned therapy with the patient to avoid side effects or interactions with other medications.


Even if a depressive mood often occurs in the autumn and winter months, seasonal depression occurs in all seasons. A depressive mood can be prevented with walks and outdoor sports. The light and exercise stimulate the release of the happiness hormone serotonin. Food that is rich in carbohydrates or contains the amino acid tryptophan also supports the supply of serotonin.

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The consultation is billed via the health insurance company within the scope of the statutory benefits (analogous to a visit to a doctor's office) and is recognized by all Swiss health insurers. During weekdays, a teleconsultation costs on average of CHF 50. Surcharges apply at night between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. as well as on weekends and holidays.

In certain insurance models with our partner health insurers, there are no costs such as franchises or deductibles.

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